10 Home Remedies That Can Potentially Be Dangerous

Sep 28, 2018

Home remedies are always so much fun. It seems amazing that you could find a cure for nearly any disease in your kitchen cupboard.

While home remedies can sometimes help you out, they can also be potentially dangerous.

Some popular home remedies can actually cause serious health problems, so it is important to be wary about certain treatment options.

1. Kitchen-Based Cures for Burns

When you burn your skin, it takes time to heal. Adding oil or butter to your burn could actually hurt it. After you get burned, the damage takes a while to show up as your skin cools.

The best thing that you can do is put your burned skin under cold water to cool it down.

If you add oil or butter to the burn, it will only prevent the skin from cooling off.


2. Toothpaste for Cold Sores and Acne

Unfortunately, this common home remedy does not actually work. People say that the toothpaste will dry out the cold sore or a pimple.

While this will actually happen, the ingredients in your toothpaste can actually irritate your skin.

3. Mouthwash Gargles

When someone has a cold, they might be told to gargle with mouthwash. Doing this will not actually help a cold or sore throat because the mouthwash can irritate the lining in your throat. Your best bet is to get plenty of rest and drink warm liquids.

4. Colloidal Silver

Fortunately, this home remedy is less common today than it used to be. Colloidal silver is basically a suspension where minuscule silver particles are located in a type of cream.

Long ago, it was advertised as a magical cure for nearly every disease.

In reality, colloidal silver does not actually treat anything. If you use a lot of if, it can build up in your system and leave you with blue-colored skin.

5. Cutting Warts

When freezing the wart does not work, some people grab a sharp knife to cut it off. While this might remove the wart, it can also cause a dangerous infection.

There are far safer ways to get rid of warts than cutting it off.

6. Toothaches and Whiskey

This is a common toothache remedy, but it does not actually help very much. The whiskey does not have enough anesthetic properties to kill bacteria.

Plus, the pain-relieving effects will not help nearly as much as going to the dentist.

7. Home Remedies for Your Teeth

There are dental remedies like using headache powder or garlic on your gums to ease a toothache.

These remedies can actually cause chemical burns and irritation.

Your best option is to just go to the dentist.

8. Castor Oil for Labor

Some pregnant women are told to take castor oil to induce or speed up labor. In reality, castor oil's main effect is to cause a speedy bowel movement.

If you have constipation, castor oil will help. If you are trying to have a baby, skip the oil and go to your doctor.

9. Candling Earwax

In recent years, candling earwax has become a popular home remedy. The goal is to get rid of earwax, but this technique can also damage your eardrums. Plus, your body actually needs earwax. There is a reason why your ears produce earwax, so leave the earwax alone and protect your ear canals from damage.

10. Head Lice Cures

No one wants to have head lice. When your kid comes home from school with a note from the nurse, it can inspire hours of scrubbing your child, bedding, sheets and more.

Unfortunately, many common head lice remedies are not effective.

People are told to use gas, kerosene or concentrated pesticides on their heads. These remedies are toxic and unsafe for anyone to use.

Other home remedies for lice might not hurt your child, but they do not actually do anything. Water, Vaseline and olive oil will not cause damage, but they also will not kill the lice. Buy over-the-counter lice treatments instead or ask your doctor for a prescription.

Were you surprised by the dangers of these home remedies? Let us know if we forgot about any other dangerous remedies and warn your friends about the potential dangers lurking in their home.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!