10 Habits Madly In Love Couples Have

May 15, 2018

Every couple goes through the honeymoon phase, but lots don't last once the magic wears off. Here are 10 habits all long-term couples have to keep the love strong.

1. They Communicate

Happy couples all say that their partner is their best friend. If someone feels like they can't tell their partner anything, then the relationship is doomed to fail. Your relationship should be completely open.


2. They Say "I Love You"

It sounds obvious, but sometimes it's easy to forget. Make a habit of reminding your partner that you love them often.

3. They Are Kind

You can't fight dirty or play games with your partner or else resentment can grow and linger. You must always treat each other with kindness and respect because you love each other.

4. They Spend Time Together

It doesn't matter how busy they are. There's always time to bond, whether it's watching your favorite show together, sitting down for a meal and talking, or having some pillow talk every night.

5. They Forgive

If you hold a grudge, your love will die. Partners need to let go and promise to do better next time.

6. They Compromise

You can't be selfish in a relationship. You must give to receive. Remember that your partner is a separate person with different ambitions and you must make sacrifices for their happiness and vice versa.

7. They Enjoy The Present

It's fun to fantasize about the future together, but happy couples live in the present. If you can enjoy the ins and outs of daily life with your partner, your love will last.

8. They Have Alone Time

Everyone should have date nights with themselves where they get to unwind and do things that make them happy. Watch the show your partner can't stand, take a relaxing bath, or read your favorite book in the park. You'll have time to recharge and the distance will make you appreciate your time together even more.

9. They Listen

Happy couples really listen, not pretend, to show their partner that they value what they're saying. Listening builds communication and trust in the relationship, which are must-haves.

10. They Support Each Other

You should want the best for your partner and they should want the best for you. You should be able to communicate your goals or insecurities and your partner will help you take the steps you need to create positive changes in your life. Happy couples are there for each other no matter what.

Everlasting love is definitely attainable! Both partners both have to value the relationship and their partner enough to put in the effort that makes it work.


Be sure to let your friends know how to grow a healthy relationship so they can have a lifetime of happiness.