10 Daily Affirmations In Oder To Make Self Care And Optimism Part Of The Day

Jun 18, 2021

The year 2020 was challenging for everyone all over the world, as many struggled to cope with the struggles the pandemic brought. Day-to-day routines quickly changed, and people were forced to adapt to a new way of life. With the brightness of 2021 sweeping over the world, many people are sadly still struggling to readjust to their old life, or stay consistent with their new one. Incorporating daily affirmations that tackle self-care and hopefulness can help people find new light moving forward through these testing times. Here are ten daily affirmations to make self-care and optimism a priority in your life to help you move forward.

1. I Am Enough


Understand that first and foremost, you matter. More than that, you are more than enough for anyone, including yourself. Let your confidence soar to help make your overall state of mind clearer and more present, and most importantly, happier.


2. I Can Do This

Whether you have a difficult task at work to complete or need to embark on a grocery shopping trip, life throws challenges our way every single day, no matter how big or small they may be. Morningside Center explained that by repeating this simple motto of “I can do this,” you will eventually believe it and believe in yourself enough to complete any of those tasks thrown your way.


3. I Have The Power To Make The Right Choices For Me

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Each day brings a new onslaught of tasks, activities and emotions that we need to cope with. Making good and smart choices can help people navigate through these challenging times a bit easier. By telling yourself this simple mantra, you can encourage yourself to make the right choices and trust your instincts while doing so.


4. I Give Myself Room To Grow

Although you have the power to make the right choices, it’s completely OK if something goes wrong, since the universe is so unpredictable. With that being said, another motto to keep in mind is that you always have more room to grow. Whether it’s recovering from a mishap or even learning something new, giving yourself the space to grow into a better person is crucial when it comes to self-care.

5. I Forgive Those Who Have Hurt Me

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Moving forward means learning to let go of the past, and part of that is learning the act of forgiveness. According to Mayo Clinic, forgiveness can help lead to feelings of understanding, compassion and empathy.


6. I Am Courageous

Having courage can be a catalyst to leadership and accomplishments, according to Uva Darden, so try incorporating this saying into your daily affirmations to help with your forward progression.


7. My Life Is Just Beginning

No matter what your age is or what place you are at in life, it is never too late to start something new. Having a positive outlook on life can help with your overall optimism about your future.

8. I Am Talented


HuffPost reported that tapping into your natural gifts can help you hone in on your talents. Once you figure out what those talents are, you can work on further developing them and incorporate them more in your daily life. This can keep you occupied and maybe even distracted from the not-so-happy parts of your life, therefore aiding with your overall self-care.


9. I Deserve Happiness

If you want to be happy, it’s a good idea to surround yourself with happy people. According to WebMD, you can “catch” others’ emotions, meaning that by keeping happy people in your life, you will most likely be a happier person yourself.

10. I Am Not Weak For Asking For Help


As much as we all want to do everything on our own, and these affirmations can help boost your overall confidence and optimism, it’s never a bad idea to ask for help when needed. Caring for yourself means understanding your limitations and knowing when you need an extra hand. According to WebMD, talking to someone about your struggles can help show you a different perspective and help you with tackling your problems, and even give your mood the nice boost it deserves.


You can use any of these 10 affirmations or even come up with your own, so long as they are in the present tense. Berkeley Wellbeing explained that using the present tense helps with shifting your beliefs, making it easier for you to believe in the affirmations you tell yourself.

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What affirmations do you tell yourself to help with self care and optimism? Will you use any of these affirmations listed here? Let us know, and be sure to send this to your loved ones to help spread positivity!

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