10 Common Reasons Why You Feel Dizzy That Some Doctors Can't Diagnose

Sep 13, 2018

It's common for people to experience dizziness or lightheadedness throughout their lives and there are lots of reasons that these symptoms can occur. Unfortunately, people who experience lightheadedness or dizziness don't always get the answer they need from doctors.

Here are ten reasons you might be feeling dizzy even if the doctors aren't sure about the cause. 

1. Anxiety


Anxiety is usually caused by stress or fear. Dizziness may be a sign of your anxiety or an early sign of an impending panic attack. Severe anxiety with dizziness may lead to fainting. 


2. Anemia


Anemia occurs when iron levels are low. If your iron levels are low, your body may have trouble getting oxygen to your brain, which causes the dizziness. Anemia can be corrected by eating iron-rich foods. If your iron is too low, your doctor may recommend an iron supplement. 

3. Dehydration


Water is important for your body. If you don't get enough water, there are many symptoms you can experience, including dizziness. Even if you're drinking enough water, you may become dehydrated by losing water, such as through sweating. In addition, as you age, it's harder for your body to retain water. 

4. Low blood pressure


Low blood pressure means that your body isn't getting what it needs to function. Low blood pressure can be an ongoing problem, but it can also be caused if you stand up too quickly, leading to dizziness. 

5. Vertigo


Vertigo is a condition characterized by dizzy spells. It's caused by a problem in the fluid in your inner ear. A doctor can help you treat your vertigo to eliminate the dizzy spells. 

6. Ear infection


When you have an ear infection, the fluid in your inner ear is imbalanced. This can lead to dizziness. If you're dizzy and your ear hurts, you might want to visit your doctor to be prescribed an antibiotic. 

7. Meniere's disease


Meniere's disease causes a pressure buildup in your ear. The buildup can lead to dizziness and difficulty hearing. One easy way to fix this problem is by reducing your salt intake. 

8. Cardiac arrhythmia


The arrhythmia occurs when you have an irregular heartbeat. This can cause dizziness because it changes the blood flow to the brain. It's important for people with arrhythmia to be monitored by a physician because it can be a dangerous condition. 

9. Medications


Every medication has side effects and the way you react to medication is based on your individual body. Many medications cite dizziness as a common side effect. Quite often, the dizziness goes away once your body is used to the medication. 

10. Aging


When the body ages, lots of changes take place. Dizziness is common among older adults because their bodies and muscles, including their hearts and lungs, are weakening. However, dizziness in older adults should still be checked by a physician in case it's a symptom of another condition.

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Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!