Sandra Bullock kaldes "uigenkendelig" af fans pga. mistanke om plastikkirurgi, men hendes partner forsvarer hende

Jun 05, 2023 by apost team

Sandra Bullock har været en af de mest produktive skuespillerinder i underholdningsindustrien siden slutningen af 1980'erne, hvor hun blev kendt. På trods af hendes årtier lange karriere i Hollywood er skuespillerindens ikoniske skønhed forblevet tidløs og ungdommelig, selvom nogle af hendes fans mener, at hun måske har lagt sig under kniven for at bevare en del af den.

Bullock blev født den 26. juli 1964 i Arlington, Virginia, og har en yngre søster ved navn Gesine Bullock-Prado, som faktisk senere blev præsident for Bullocks produktionsselskab, Fortis Films. Deres mor var Helga Mathilde Meyer, en utrolig succesfuld og magtfuld operasangerinde.

Bullock er en eklektisk skuespillerinde og passer ikke ind i én genre, da hendes talenter er unikke og mangfoldige. Fra spændingsfyldte thrillere til romantiske komedier har Bullock medvirket i en lang række film og tv-shows. Nogle af hendes mest bemærkelsesværdige film inkluderer "Miss Congeniality", "The Lake House" og "Bird Box"

Fra en ung alder viste Bullock mange lovende takter som en intelligent og succesfuld kvinde i underholdningsbranchen, da hun forfulgte sine passioner både akademisk og i sin fritid. Hendes indflydelse på branchen har fanget mange fans og kritikeres opmærksomhed, og hun har fået en hel samling af priser og anerkendelser i processen.

Som en offentlig person i næsten halvdelen af sit liv kan Bullock også blive udsat for hård kritik, hvad enten det er for hendes professionelle karriere eller hendes privatliv. På internettet synes mange af hendes fans, at hun ser uigenkendelig ud, efterhånden som hun bliver ældre. På trods af denne voksende følelse blandt folk, finder Bullock trøst og tryghed i sin partner Bryan Randall, som hun har været sammen med siden 2015. Fortsæt med at læse for at lære mere om Bullock, den kritik, hun blev udsat for om sit udseende og sin partner.

Sandra Bullock (1993), (Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

I Hollywood er aldring et særligt varmt emne. På internettet og i medierne er kvinder blevet udsat for uretfærdige skønhedsidealer og kritik af deres udseende. Skuespillere og personligheder, især dem, der bliver ældre, bliver kritiseret for at ændre deres udseende gennem kosmetiske operationer i et forsøg på at skjule deres alder.

Som 58-årig er Bullock blevet udsat for den samme kritik fra folk på internettet. På Twitter kritiserede en bruger Bullock for angiveligt at være "knap nok genkendelig" i en af sine film.

"Jeg har lige set en Sandra Bullock-film, glemmer navnet på den... Filmen var ok, men under hele filmen kunne jeg ikke komme mig over, hvad hun havde gjort ved sit ansigt. Plastikkirurgi omkring øjnene og kinderne. Gjorde hende næsten uigenkendelig, føj!" tweetede brugeren.

Tweetet startede en samtale online, hvor folk var enige med brugerens følelser.

"Jeg sagde det samme i sidste weekend. Der var noget ved hendes øjne, som jeg ikke kunne sætte en finger på. Efter filmen googlede jeg "Hvad er der sket med Sandra Bullocks ansigt?" Jeg kunne ikke finde andet end folk, der skrev kommentarer om at lade hende være i fred, hun er smuk. Jøsses," lød det fra en anden.

Kritikken af Bullocks udseende kom allerede før tweetet dukkede op. En bruger beskrev i 2012 "Ocean's 8"-skuespillerinden som "uigenkendelig", og det samme gjorde et andet tweet fra 2021, efter at en fan havde set "The Unforgivable" på Netflix.

I kommentarerne til et interview, Bullock lavede med Stephen Colbert i 2022, sammenlignede nogen skuespilleren med Madonna i en anden kritik af hendes ansigt.

"Det er trist at se, at Sandra Bullock er begyndt på Madonna-vejen med plastikkirurgi. Snart vil hun være uigenkendelig, ligesom Madonna er nu. Meget trist," skrev en bruger.

Sandra Bullock, Louis Bullock (2011), (Marcel Thomas/FilmMagic via Getty Images)

Bullock adopted her son Louis Bardo Bullock in 2010, but the process of becoming his mother did not happen overnight. Before meeting Louis, Bullock had nearly given up her dream of becoming a mother when she reached her early 40s.

“And then (Hurricane) Katrina happened. Katrina happened in New Orleans and I knew. Just something told me that my child was there. It was weird,” Bullock said in an interview on Today

In 2015, she adopted her daughter, Laila Bullock. Back in May 2020, Bullock and her then-8-year-old daughter appeared in an episode of Jada Pinkett Smith's Facebook Watch talk show, "Red Table Talk," saluting the heroic moms who are helping to keep the country safe, healthy and fed during the current pandemic.

In the same Today interview, Bullock was asked if it was a "coincidence" that she found her daughter Laila, but the actress explained: "It’s Louis’ way. Louis has a very strong way. He’s a fine leader and he led me to Laila."

Bullock then said that she hopes by telling her story, people will know that “there is no endgame.” “There are hundreds and thousands of children that are ready to be your child. You are a forever parent the minute you accept the love of that child,” she said.

Despite being an Oscar-winning actress, Bullock believes that her true calling is to be a mother. She explained: "Being a mom, I finally realized ‘Oh this is what I was supposed to do when I grow up. Not be an actress, to be a mom.’"

Sandra Bullock (1994), (Jim Smeal/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

Bullock added, “I felt that calling at a very young age but I had to become the mom that I was supposed to be for the kids that were waiting for me.”

Little did she know she would experience great love with a partner eventually, too.

Bullock's first public relationship began when she met co-star Tate Donovan on the set of the 1992 film "Love Potion No. 9." The pair's relationship lasted three years, and they even got engaged before breaking it off in 1995. 

Ten years later, Bullock married Jesse James, a motorcycle builder and host of the Discovery Channel's hit show "Monster Garage." The pair met when Bullock arranged for her 10-year-old godson to meet James as a Christmas present.

Bullock's relationship with former model Randall appeared to be the one, as the actress gave insight into their romance in the last couple of years before his tragic death in 2023. Tragically, Randall passed away on Aug. 5, 2023, after a long battle with ALS or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, as reported by People.

After a messy divorce with James that ended in 2010, Bullock met Randall when she hired him to take photos of Louis’ 5th birthday back in 2015. Their relationship blossomed, and he became her boyfriend, before going on to become a wonderful father figure to her two kids.

During Bullock's appearance on "Red Table Talk," the actress gushed about her relationship and the family she and Randall had together. She said:

“I found the love of my life. We share two beautiful children — three children, his older daughter. It’s the best thing ever. I don't wanna say do it like I do it, but I don't need a paper to be a devoted partner and devoted mother.”

Sandra Bullock, Jesse James (2006), (Eric Charbonneau/WireImage for Vanity Fair Magazine via Getty Images)

Family life is important to Bullock, and according to The Hollywood Reporter, it’s one of the main reasons why she is taking a break from acting. Although the actress hasn't officially retired, she hasn't indicated when she’ll be back on the big screen. “I don’t want to be beholden to anyone’s schedule other than my own,” the actress said. Bullock continued:

“I’m so burnt out. I’m so tired, and I’m so not capable of making healthy, smart decisions and I know it.”

Bullock added: “Work has always been steady for me, and I’ve been so lucky. I realized it possibly was becoming my crutch.” Bullock kept “looking for something that was never” there and is now trying to “be OK not having work to validate” her.

While Bullock’s attitude toward getting more has changed over the years, as well as her personal priorities, something that has stayed the same is people have continued to talk about her appearance. Despite typically being busy as an A-list celebrity and full-time mom, Bullock is also known for having one of Hollywood’s hottest celebrity bodies

In 2013, she was lined up among the ranks of Jennifer LawrencePenelope CruzKerry WashingtonChristina Aguilera and many others. Bullock even made it up to No. 3, trailing behind Lawrence and Cruz. At the time, it was revealed that Bullock had been hitting the gym to improve her physique, keeping her beautiful body and figure toned and ready for action-packed scenes.  

Bullock has committed herself to a strict workout routine, the foundation of what is believed to be the various secrets to her very own fountain of youth! 

Sandra Bullock (1993), (Michael Tighe/Donaldson Collection via Getty Images)

According to Radar Online, the “Ocean’s Eight" actress is deep into the Body By Simone routine, a fitness plan created methodically by her trainer, Simone De La Rue. The regimen combines yoga, pilates and cardio to create long, lean muscles.

“Sandy has completely transformed her body since starting BBS. She puts in an hour a day, six times a week! She is extremely motivated and driven,” the trainer said in a statement. 

While working on the 2013 film “Gravity,” it was revealed at the time that Bullock had added dance as her way to lose weight and be a great addition to her workout routine, Dance Magazine reported.

Biking and running have also been a method of workout that Bullock has added to her already strict routine, a thing she does when she is back in her home in Austin, Texas. 

Aside from this, a well-balanced diet is what has also kept Bullock stay in shape — keeping in mind all those extra carbs and sweets, she has developed a way to still enjoy the beauty of food. 

In an interview with Women’s Health, Bullock also revealed that despite her strict workout plan to make herself feel and live young, she also makes it a point not to starve herself of the things she likes during cheat day — splurging on raw cookie dough, a bowl of Lucky Charms and even Viennese pastry. 

Bullock epitomizes the kind of people whose mantra is “age is just a number,” as her undeniable commitment to staying young has definitely paid off with her healthiness. However, even though Bullock appears to have confidence and a good relationship with her health, that doesn’t mean that others have always been kind to the star in regard to her appearance.

Sandra Bullock (2018), (Vera Anderson/WireImage via Getty Images)

In Hollywood, aging is an especially hot topic. On the internet and in the media, women have been subjected to unfair beauty standards and criticisms about their appearance. Actresses and personalities, especially those who are getting older, are being slammed for resorting to altering their appearance through cosmetic surgeries in an effort to mask their age. 

At 58, Bullock has been subjected to the same criticisms by people on the internet. On Twitter, one user criticized Bullock for allegedly being “barely recognizable” in one of her movies. 

“I just watched a Sandra Bullock movie, forget the name of it… Movie was ok, but for the entire movie I couldn't get over what she did to her face. Plastic surgery around her eyes and cheeks. Made her barely recognizable, yikes!” the user tweeted

The tweet launched a conversation online, with people agreeing with the user’s sentiments. 

“I said the same thing this past weekend. There was something about her eyes that I couldn't put my finger on. After the movie I was Googling 'What happened to Sandra Bullock's face?' Couldn't find anything except people leaving comments to leave her alone, she's beautiful. Jeez,” another echoed

Criticisms about Bullock’s appearance came even before the tweet surfaced. One user in 2012 described the “Ocean’s 8” actress as “unrecognizable,” and so did another tweet from 2021 after a fan watched “The Unforgivable” on Netflix. 

In the comments of an interview Bullock did with Stephen Colbert in 2022, someone likened the actress to Madonna in another criticism about her face. 

“It's sad to see that Sandra Bullock has started down the Madonna road of plastic surgery. Soon, she will be unrecognizable just as Madonna is now. Very sad,” a user wrote

Bryan Randall, Sandra Bullock (2018), (Jackson Lee/GC Images via Getty Images)

Bullock kunne ikke lade være med at være ked af, hvordan folk opfattede hendes aldrende ansigt. I et interview med InStyle, som er citeret af Allure Magazine, afslørede Bullock årsagen til, at hendes kinder så fyldigere ud ved Oscar-uddelingen i 2018. Online-snak på det tidspunkt påpegede, at Bullock "fyldtesit ansigt" med fillers. Det viste sig, at hun var syg på det tidspunkt og var nødt til at trodse influenzaen for at deltage i den prestigefyldte begivenhed.

"Jeg er påvirket af det, fordi jeg ikke føler mig selvsikker, når jeg klæder mig ud og går på den røde løber. Jeg er ikke den person, der ved, hvordan man gør det. Jeg prøver at kanalisere Beyoncé. Jeg laver den samme positur hver gang. Jeg prøver ikke at frygte den slags ting, men jeg bliver forarget og tænker: "Hvordan kan de skrive det?"" sagde hun til magasinet.

På trods af disse kommentarer har Randall, hendes partner gennem 8 år, beskyttet hende mod kritikere og endda paparazzi. Da han var til middag med sine forældre og Bullock i Hollywood, viste Randall sin største tålmodighed, da skuespillerinden så meget utilpas ud ved at blive knipset og filmet af paparazzi. Han krammede endda Bullock kærligt, mens han blokerede fotografens udsyn, og trøstede hende endda, da hun forsøgte at have en normal aften uden distraktioner.

Ved mange lejligheder er det blevet rapporteret, at Randall og Bullock har et bundsolidt forhold, og Randall blev endda beskrevet som en "sand gentleman" Parret har endnu ikke indgået ægteskab, men uanset om de bliver gift eller ej, har Bullock nogle faste overbevisninger.

"Jeg har ikke brug for et papir for at være en hengiven partner, en hengiven mor. Jeg behøver ikke at få at vide, at jeg altid skal være til stede. Jeg behøver ikke at få at vide, at jeg skal ride stormen af med en god mand," sagde hun til Us Weekly i 2021.

Sandra Bullock (2022), (Dave J Hogan/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images)

Er du fan af Sandra Bullock? Hvad kan du sige om hendes skønhed og udseende? Tror du, hun har fået foretaget plastikkirurgi? Hvad kan du sige om hendes partner, Bryan Randall? Fortæl os det, og send det videre til din familie, venner og andre fans af skuespillerinden!

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